All pages
From ift
- 3D Detector Activities
- ADEXL-butterfly-curves
- AMS 350nm process
- Analysis
- Applied Planetary Radio Astronomy
- Astroparticle Physics
- AtlasKlientdriftWalkthrough
- ATLASSimulationCSCWalkThrough
- ATLASThesesNotes
- ATLASTutorials
- Base System Petalinux
- BGA lodding
- BGO-firmware-structure
- Bitvis UVVM VHDL Verification Component Framework
- Bore hole probe
- Busy Box and related
- Busy Box and related/BusyBox Registers
- Busy Box and related/BusyBoxRegisters
- Cadence
- Cadence Testbench
- Cadence Virtuoso
- Cadence Virtuoso overview
- Cadence Virtuoso setup
- Calorimeter Activities
- Cerenkov Telescope Array -Norway
- Cherenkov Telescope Array - Norway
- Coming to CERN
- Creating example project with AXI4 Lite peripheral in Xilinx Vivado
- CTA information
- CZT-firmware
- DamaraResults
- DCoperatingparameters
- DCS board tools
- DCS Download
- DCS Tutorial
- December 2 2009 seminar - Theory
- December 9 2009 seminar - Top quark charge
- Demo.Net
- Design entry
- Detector Control System (DCS) for ALICE Front-end electronics
- Detector lab
- Documentation-list
- Documentation of different FeeServer Control Engines
- EarlyUniverseProjectMeetings
- EarlyUniverseProjectShared
- EDK tutorial 1
- EDK tutorial 2
- EDK tutorial 3
- Eksempler/Oppgaver
- Eksperimentalfysikk med prosjektoppgave - PHYS117
- Electronics for the Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
- Expedition PCB
- Expedition PCB design capture
- Expedition PCB introduction
- Experimental Nuclear Physics group
- Få tilgang til å opprette eller redigere sider i wikien
- FeeServer
- Firmware files for boards 30 - 1400
- FOCAL - Forward Calorimeter
- FreeRTOS
- Frequently asked questions FAQ
- GATE tutorial
- Get readout box up and running
- Gitlab
- GRIEG project "EarlyUniverse"
- HEPOutreach
- How to run the RCU - DRORC - Busybox setup
- IC Station
- IC studio
- IC studio - SPICE Symbol
- IC studio - SPICE/Symbol Tutorial
- If you are a short time visitor
- IHP 130nm process
- Inductance meter
- Info about D3PD analysis variables
- Install
- Installing DarkSusy
- Installing ISAJET
- Install Vivado 2015.4 with free licens
- Instrumentliste
- InterComLayer installation
- Lab Equipment
- Labview readout setup
- Layout XL and IHP SG13S
- Main Page
- Material
- Microelectronics group
- MikroserverSetup
- Mini parallab workshop, March 19, 2009
- Modelsim
- Modelsim/Questa
- Nexys4 Master.xdc
- November 25 2009 seminar - Bs to mu,mu and Blackholes
- November 4 2009 seminar - 3D detectors and the lab
- October 14 2009 seminar - taus
- October 9 2009 review - poster session
- Older presentations
- Orjan Dale - Master Thesis
- Øvingsoppgaver PHYS321
- Particle Physics group
- ParticlePhysicsGroupMeetings
- PCI-eksperiment
- PET Project
- PHOS PVSS panels
- Photomultipliers
- Phys117 - PET project
- PHYS222
- PHYS321
- Post doc, spring 2010, see the link
- Print schematics with Cadence
- Programming Mimosa chips
- PublicationsOfInterests
- RCU2 Software Development Firmware
- RCU ControlEngine
- Reflow Soldering
- Report by Tony
- Results
- Retningslinjer for bruk av kapslede kilder ved IFT
- Running concurrent application projects in Xilinx SDK
- Running FreeRTOS on Xilinx Zybo
- SAMPA/SAMPA Registers
- Sandbox
- Setting up a local DCS network
- Setting Up PetaLinux System
- Setup of low-level DCS for TPC Front-end electronics
- Shifts/OTP/fimm group meeting May 5, 2009
- Simulering av VHDL
- SmartFusion2
- SmartFusion2- AMBA APB, Custom Peripheral
- Software workshop, 09/09-09
- Spaatind2010
- Spice deck
- SSH innlogging
- SSH tunnel
- Strålevern
- SUSY/Tau analysis meeting March 12, 2009
- SUSYTauMeeting 12march2009
- Symbolsk løsning av nodeligninger med Matlab
- Synthese av VHDL
- Synthese av VHDL - Oppdatert
- Teknisk avdeling
- Teknisk hjelp
- Terminology
- Testbench
- The Actel software device in the FeeServer CE
- The ASIM project
- The muon spectrometer
- Tips
- Tips and tricks
- Tips 'n' Tricks
- Transistor operating point printer
- Troubleshoot
- TSMC 130nm process
- Tutorials
- Usb-driver
- Useful Linux commands
- Useful papers
- Using MEX-Files to Call C/C++ and Fortran Programs
- Using the VGA controller with block ram generator and clock wizard
- VGA controller VHDL code
- VHDL Testbenk
- Webserver
- What to do when you come to Bergen as a new student
- What to do when you come to CERN for the first time
- Wishlist
- Xilinx
- Xilinx SDK
- Xilinx Tools
- Xilinx Vivado
- XJDeveloper
- XJTAG for new prototypes
- Xming
- XYZ table setup