From ift
Show DC operating parameters
This guide will show you how to show DC operating parameters like gm, R_{out} V_{th} etc for all your transistors in a Cadence schematic.
If you just want to save all parameters to a file have a look at this guide instead: Transistor operating point printer
- Create your circuit in a schematic
- Set up a DC simulation, check the "save operating point"-box in the creating of the test
- Go back to your schematic window and at the top-men click:
- View - Annotations - DC Operating Points. This will give a default selection of parameters
The annotation menu - To chose which to view in your schematic go back to View - Annotations and at the bottom click "Setup.."
- Make sure the library-drop-down is showing "tsmc13rf" (or your transistor library), choose pmos in "Cell" and leave instance to "*" if you want to change it for all transistors in your sheet.
- Here you can see the list that is showing by default and three "free" cells at the rows Parameter:cdsPara(6), (7) and (8)
- Double click in the column "Expression" for those rows and select the parameter you want to show (i.e region, rout, gm, gds)
The annotation setup window - You might want to disable annotation of the first four rows here to hide some annotation noise
- Click apply and repeat the same steps for the nmos cell
PMOS with parameters showing - Save this annotation set-up by clicking File - Save. Chose the default location to make it easy for yourself. (If you don't save you have to do this set-up every time you close Virtuoso)
- The next time you load your design just click View - Annotations - Setup.. and then File - Load - OK
- Region 0 is cutoff
- Region 1 is linear
- Region 2 is saturation
- Region 3 is subthreshold
- Region 4 is breakdown
- Type 0 is nMOS
- Type 1 is pMOS