From ift
General compiling
the error 'line 1: syntax error: unexpected "("' usually means that I have tried to make a custom user application on 'raven' from its directory, and since the Makefile inherits some stuff from petalinux Makefile, it gets built for x86 and not microblaze.
Bus Functional Models
Copied bfm files to EDK directory, then ran the following
[localhost] /opt/Xilinx/12.3/ISE_DS > xilbfc -check xilbfc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Did some hacks:
[localhost] /opt/Xilinx/12.3/ISE_DS > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$XILINX/lib/lin [localhost] /opt/Xilinx/12.3/ISE_DS > xilbfc ERROR:EDK - Unable to open the log file "xilbfc.log"
Try to sudo xilbfc -check gives the same library error as before, might be something wrong with the install?