The muon spectrometer

From ift


At the subatomic research group we have a muon spectrometer to be used for measurements of cosmic rays. The Cosmic Ray Telescope (CRT) is a scintillator detector of a total area of 4 m2 which is designed and constructed to register muons that originate from the decay of mesons created by primary cosmic radiation.

The CRT is primarliy designed and commissioned to be used in exercises for undergraduate students and for high school students. The setup will also provide master student project to upgrade and extend this system and to do more advanced cosmic ray studies.

During 2009 our plans are to define a high school project associated with our muon spectrometer. It will consist of two parts:

  • Simple measurements with the CRT
  • Building of a mini CRT at the high school laboratory

The Cosmic Ray Telescope

General description

Possible Measurements

Upgrade work

Master thesis

High School Project

Prinsippet bak et Kosmisk Stråle Teleskop (CRT)

To lag av scintillatorer ligger over hverandre så når en kosmisk stråle passerer så gir det et signal i begge scintillatorene. Hver av scintillatorene er koblet til et photomulitplikator rør som sender det registrerte signalet til et elektronikk kort. Elektronikk kortet kan ha en teller som

Plan for å bygge et mini-CRT

Materialer og kostnader

  • 2 Scintillatorer
  • 2 PM rør
  • 1 elektronikk kort (lages i sammarbeid med UiB)
  • 1 kasse med holdere for scintillatorene
  • Ledninger

Så skolens utgifter er til de 2 PM rørene og eventuelt scintillatorene hvis ikke vi kan bidra med det fra UiB.

CRT Målinger ved IFT

More information

  • Heidi's talk for TOF teachers 2009: to be added
  • The last link "Measuring the muon lifetime" ( describes something we have prepared for in Bergen too. We have (most of) the material to build the intermediate layer, and a ready cut aluminium 1m^2 plate. This is part of the 'future work' for our CRT (in addition to the GPS-option). The construction is very simple, but more time will be needed on the analysis software development to have this implemented.