GRIEG project "EarlyUniverse"

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EarlyUniverse, GRIEG project

GRIEG project "EarlyUniverse" official web page

The project is financed by Norwegian Financial Mechanism, with the latest possible use of funds in 31 of March 2024.

This is Wiki page for "EarlyUniverse" GRIEG project, with participants from Bergen High Energy Physics Group, and Particle Theory Group, University of Warsaw.

To get write access to these pages below you must have a UiB account, then you have to login using the login in link in the upper right corner of the wiki page, once you've done this send an e-mail to Anna Lipniacka and she will figure out who can activate your account. If you are financed by the project you need to acknowledge it with the following slide in your presentations. here : slide

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Meetings, Seminars & Tutorials

Presentations of Interest

Bergen particle physics group twiki:

[Bergen particle physics]

People and tasks in the project: Research objectives:

  1)  Machine learning assisted mono-jet anlysis in search for Dark Matter and new electricaly neutral stable particles and its theoretical interpretation.
   [ K. Sakurai, B. M. dit Latour, I. Lara, K. Rolbiecki, M. Olechowski, S. Pokorski, T. Buanes, A. Lipniacka, K. Tywoniuk, R. Masełek]
 2)  Discriminating theories by joint mono-jet and mono-Higgs analysis.
   [ K. Rolbiecki, T. B. Sjursen, I. Lara, J. Rosiek, T. Buanes, A. Lipniacka, Nikolai Fomin, Erlend Aakvaag]
  3)  Constraining the mechanism of the Electroweak Phase Transition by di-Higgs boson production, p p -> h h.
   [ M. Olechowski, A. Lipniacka, S. Pokorski, Z. Lalak, B. Stugu]
  4) Probing new sources of CP violation in the Higgs-fermion sector.
   [ J. Rosiek, B. Stugu, K. Rolbiecki, K. Sakurai, A. Lipniacka, Erlend Aakvaag]
   5) Investigating the sphaleron and mini-black hole production at the LHC and its dependence on the mechanism of EWPT.
   [ S. Pokorski, T. Buanes, I. Lara, K. Sakurai, M. Olechowski, Z. Lalak, A. Lipniacka, K. Tywoniuk, R. Masełek]