From ift
Fagressurser for bruk i PHYS321
- Tutorials for Programmable Logic and Military/Aerospace Systems (broken link)
- Arithmetic Algorithms Simulators
- Linear feedback shift register
Cadence tutorials
- Inverter eksempel
- Inverter eksempel 1 youtube
- Inverter eksempel 2 youtube
- Inverter eksempel 3 youtube
Digilent Nexys 4
- Install Vivado with free licence
- Getting started
- Vivado - Xilinx Programming Environment - Board files, reference projects, etc
- Nexys 4 Resource center
Using Vivado
- Install Vivado 2015.4 with free licens
- VGA controller VHDL code
- Nexys4_Master.xdc
- Using the VGA controller with block ram generator and clock wizard