FOCAL - Forward Calorimeter
This page should contain information about the Focal project, especially about the interfacing from the Mimosa chips to the readout electronics.
Mimosa chips
Readout electronics
Adapterboard /Fanoutboard
The adapterboard and fan-out boards provide LVDS interfaces and JTAG interfaces between the Control and Read-out board and the Mimosa ASICs. Here is the schematics of the boards.
Control and Readout board
The idea is to use a Xilinx Virtex 6 development board as a first prototype. The board will run Petalinux, and some software to access the firmware registers. A software framework for the TPC detector is to be adapted for the use on the Virtex 6 board and Petalinux.
The VHDL counterpart is to be found here:
The software driver for the message buffer system can be found here:
Petalinux documentation: [1]
Download section
Shopping list
1x 2U 335mm Rack mount enclosure, Grey - 665-7712 - 556,29
1x RD-125A Switch Mode PSU, 5V/15A,12V/10A - 644-6941 - 662,16
3x DC/DC PoL,DOSA,2.4-5.5Vin,0.75-3.3Vo 6A - 150-758 - 116,16
1x 4.20mm,housing,MiniFit,receptacle,DR,6w, - 679-5773 - 2,064
1x BULGIN - BZH01/Z0000/11 - INLET, IEC, SWITCHED, RED - F9997237 - 57,39
1x MH CONNECTORS - MH3101S-8821 - COUPLER, RJ45, SHIELDED - F1122292 - 92,11
12x TYCO ELECTRONICS / AMP - 5569262-1 - JACK, RJ45, MULTI PORT, 2X4 - F1162485 - 102,42
2x L-COM - ECF504B-UAB - Modular Coupler - F1702375 - 91,31
2x USB cables - F1076669 - F1308878