Detector lab
From ift
The aim of our research is to study high energy particle detectors, and to develop new detectors for the future. In particular, we are interested in studying medical applications of these detectors and to help bridge fundamental with technological research.
Our projects
Who are we?
- Students: Hege, Kristine, Njål, Stian, Lars-Halvard, Andreas, Jostein, Camilla, Kristian
- Postdoctors: Heidi
- Professors: Gerald, Bjarne, Dieter, Renate, Kjetil
- Engineers: Dominik, Werner, Kåre
Our facilities
- The main laboratory is situated in the 3rd floor at the IFT, room 332.
- The soldering lab, room 334
- The clean room, room 324
- The muon spectrometer
Lab Equipment
- Lab Equipment list, how to's, equipment service log's etc...
- Wishlist Put the things you will need for your projects here.
Recent talks
Upcoming meetings and conferences
- 16.-18.09.09: CALICE Collaboration Autumn Meeting, Lyon
- 21.-25.09.09: TWEPP 09, Paris,
- 28.9.-2.10.09: IRTG/Forskerskole in Oslo, visit of Sintef
- 30.09.-2.10.09: RD09, Florence,
For internal use
material that can be used in official presentations.