Theses, Notes, Publications, ...
Defended Master theses
- Kent-Olav Skjei - Atlas Detector Monitoring with Jets - Novmber 11th 2009 - File:Kent-Olav Skjei-Thesis.pdf File:Kent-Olav Skjei-Thesis.pdf
- Hilde Skjerdal - A Study of possible signatures for slow, heavily ionising particles in ATLAS
- Maren Ugland - Measurement of the Bs mass in Bs -> J/ψφ -> μ+μ−K+K−, and physics validation with J/ψ events in ATLAS - September 25th 2008 - File:Maren Ugland-Master Thesis.pdf File:Thesis presentation.pdf
- Alex Kastanas - Determination of invariant mass end-points in the mSUGRA coannihilation region - June 27th 2008 - File:Alex Kastanas-Master Thesis.pdf
- Therese Sjursen - Search for SUSY signals with τ-leptons in the ATLAS detector - February 2008 - File:Therese Sjursen-Master Thesis.pdf
- Øyvind Sætre - Construction, Testing and First Data Analysis with the Cosmic Ray Telescope - November 15th 2007 - File:Oyvind Saetre-Master Thesis.pdf
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