Deletion log
From ift
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
- 13:38, 4 January 2017 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page Space Physics group (Obsolete)
- 13:37, 4 January 2017 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page ASIM-BGO (Obsolte)
- 13:36, 4 January 2017 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page BGO-firmware (Obsolte)
- 08:29, 23 November 2016 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page Nano Physics (Pointing to instead)
- 06:46, 30 September 2013 Cto070 talk contribs deleted page File:SmartDesign finished.jpg
- 06:45, 30 September 2013 Cto070 talk contribs deleted page File:SmartDesign finished.jpg (Deleted old revision 20130930064424!SmartDesign_finished.jpg)
- 13:14, 27 September 2013 Cto070 talk contribs deleted page File:MSS CCC.jpg
- 13:13, 27 September 2013 Cto070 talk contribs deleted page File:New project.jpg (Bad formatting)
- 12:40, 24 September 2013 Cto070 talk contribs deleted page File:New project.jpg (Bad formatting)
- 08:24, 17 January 2012 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page HDL Designer (Obsolete and not finished)
- 12:14, 28 September 2011 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page File:Ch0.pdf (Copyright violation)
- 12:13, 28 September 2011 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page File:AppA.pdf (Copyright violation)
- 16:32, 13 May 2011 Sya081 talk contribs deleted page File:Pattern test.svf.txt (Deleted old revision 20110513163234!Pattern_test.svf.txt)
- 16:28, 13 May 2011 Sya081 talk contribs deleted page File:Pattern test.svf.txt (Deleted old revision 20110513162811!Pattern_test.svf.txt: some mistakes in this file.)
- 09:01, 12 April 2011 Sya081 talk contribs deleted page Xilinx Virtex 6 development board (content was: '' (and the only contributor was 'Sya081'))
- 08:35, 12 April 2011 Sya081 talk contribs deleted page File:PH1-UserMan-20080916.pdf (Deleted old revision 20110412083538!PH1-UserMan-20080916.pdf)
- 08:33, 12 April 2011 Sya081 talk contribs deleted page File:PH1-UserMan-20080724.pdf
- 08:33, 12 April 2011 Sya081 talk contribs deleted page File:PH1-UserMan-20080724.pdf (Deleted old revision 20110412083041!PH1-UserMan-20080724.pdf)
- 08:32, 12 April 2011 Sya081 talk contribs deleted page File:PH1-UserMan-20080724.pdf (Deleted old revision 20110412083215!PH1-UserMan-20080724.pdf)
- 16:37, 8 March 2011 Jli051 talk contribs deleted page DAMARA/D3PDVar (Author request: content was: '== Analysis variables == '''Meta-data''' int RunNumber; '''Trigger''' float trig_EF_met_MEx; float trig_EF_met_MEy; int trig_L2_jet_n; std::vector<float>* …' (and the only contributor was 'Jli051'))
- 14:42, 14 September 2010 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page File:Rikard Bolgen - BusyBox User Guide.pdf (Old version)
- 14:40, 14 September 2010 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page File:Bb manual.pdf (Old version)
- 12:44, 14 September 2010 Jsa038 talk contribs deleted page File:Characterization of Scintillation Crystals for Positron Emission Tomography.pdf (Re-uploading with different summary)
- 08:51, 25 February 2010 Nfyku talk contribs undeleted page File:Amp215 symbol.png (2 revisions and 2 files restored)
- 08:50, 25 February 2010 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page File:Amp215 symbol.png
- 14:01, 18 February 2010 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page Mentor i Windows (content was: 'Programmer som trengs: [ Putty] [ Xming] Lagre Putty på skrivebor...' (and the only contributor was 'Ave082'))
- 12:11, 18 February 2010 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page Mentor i windows (content was: '#REDIRECT Xming' (and the only contributor was 'Nfyku'))
- 10:32, 17 February 2010 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page SSH innloging (content was: '#REDIRECT SSH innlogging' (and the only contributor was 'Nfyku'))
- 09:27, 17 February 2010 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page TutorialUpdate190309 (content before blanking was: 'A number of things changed on fimm since the workshop 19/3-09 1) /work/atlas was broken by some cleaning script! for now use /work2/atlas instead 2) I have removed the old atlas installations, we now use the grid install...')
- 09:26, 17 February 2010 Nfyku talk contribs deleted page PHOS TOR documentation (content was: '...' (and the only contributor was 'Dfe002'))
- 16:19, 15 January 2010 Ato061 talk contribs deleted page AtlasSafety (content was: 'To work on ATLAS there are some safety courses and some access rights which you need to have. This is required not only to work underground but also for people who ...' (and the only contributor was 'Kka054'))
- 15:12, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page ATLASEarlyData (content was: '== Web tools == * AMI - ATLAS Metadata Interface - [] : Search strings to find: :: Real 900 GeV minimum bias data: data09_900GeV%MinB...')
- 15:05, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page AtlasShifts (content was: 'This page will give you information on how to get started as a new shifter in ATLAS. We will mainly focus on Data Quality Monitoring shifts and shifts for the SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) detector in our group, but you are of course free ...')
- 14:57, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page AtlasAnalysis (content was: '=== sTau Analysis === Preliminaries: Links to twiki pages of atlas groups of interests: Tau group. In particular a useful sublink with cross-sections: https://twi...')
- 14:55, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page STauAnalysis (content was: 'This a work-in-progress page for the analysis on SUSY with taus, where the aim is to develop tools to be used in SUSY (or other ETMiss-based New Physics scenarios) discovery with tau leptons. Here we list over overall goals, things to do...')
- 14:51, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page AtlasDataFormats (content was: '== Data formats == * The ATLAS detector will produce up to one Petabyte of data per year, a vast amount of information which prohibits the wide distribution of raw ...' (and the only contributor was 'Kka054'))
- 14:50, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page AtlasDPDTutorial (content was: '== About the DPD strategy == <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/DPD.png" alt="DPD.png" width='800' height='380' /> * DPD, Derived Physics Data, refers to all derivative da...' (and the only contributor was 'Kka054'))
- 14:50, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page StGenisAppt (content was: '== Information == <pre> Batiment F1 5, Rue de la Prairie Les Hautins F-01630, St. Genis-Pouilly FRANCE </pre> Image:Stgenis appartment.png == Rules == # The apartment is payed by the ATLAS-Norway Research Council grant. Thus can be...')
- 14:49, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page ATLASOutreach (content was: '#REDIRECT HEPOutreach' (and the only contributor was 'Pro027'))
- 13:59, 15 January 2010 Pro027 talk contribs deleted page AtlasNordugrid (content was: 'moved to atlas0 wiki')
- 14:12, 27 November 2009 Mug004 talk contribs deleted page File:Bsmumu.pdf (Deleted old revision 20091127141213!Bsmumu.pdf)
- 13:53, 25 November 2009 Mug004 talk contribs deleted page File:Bsmumu.pdf (Deleted old revision 20091125121957!Bsmumu.pdf)
- 13:53, 25 November 2009 Mug004 talk contribs deleted page File:Bsmumu.pdf (Deleted old revision 20091125135322!Bsmumu.pdf)
- 11:43, 25 November 2009 Khe002 talk contribs deleted page File:BlackholePress.pdf
- 11:41, 25 November 2009 Khe002 talk contribs deleted page File:BlackholePress.pdf
- 11:35, 25 November 2009 Mug004 talk contribs deleted page File:Bsmumu.pdf
- 15:51, 6 October 2009 Tbu082 talk contribs deleted page File:Taupairs.pdf (Deleted old revision 20091006114027!Taupairs.pdf)
- 15:51, 6 October 2009 Tbu082 talk contribs deleted page File:Taupairs.pdf (Deleted old revision 20091006154926!Taupairs.pdf)
- 15:50, 6 October 2009 Tbu082 talk contribs deleted page File:Taupairs.pdf (Deleted old revision 20091006155045!Taupairs.pdf)
- 05:32, 21 April 2009 Dfe002 talk contribs deleted page File:3D fepower2.JPG (wrong)