Particle Physics group: Difference between revisions

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Wiki page for Bergen University Particle Physics Group.  . (We also have our internal Wiki,
Wiki page for Bergen University Particle Physics Group.  . (We also have our internal Wiki,
at A0 , UiB Wiki [  here] with information which is not public outside ATLAS-Bergen. )
at A0 , UiB Wiki [  here] with information which is not public outside ATLAS-Bergen. )
Particle Physics is funded by the HEPP (High Energy Particle Physics) programme of the Research Council of Norway. The last funding application description (mostly funded) for the period 2016-2019 can be read here [[File:ProjectDescription2015.pdf]]
Particle Physics is funded by the HEPP (High Energy Particle Physics) programme of the Research Council of Norway. The last funding application description (mostly funded) for the period 2016-2019 can be read here [[File:ProjectDescription2015.pdf]].
You can also read up on responsibilities of your local ATLAS group team leader as seen from CERN point of view here [[File:CERN_Team_Leader_Responsibilities.pdf]]

To get write access to  these pages below you must have a UiB account, then you have to login using the login in link in the upper right corner of the wiki page, once you've done this send  an e-mail and Anna Lipniacka (temporary info) and she  will figure out
To get write access to  these pages below you must have a UiB account, then you have to login using the login in link in the upper right corner of the wiki page, once you've done this send  an e-mail and Anna Lipniacka (temporary info) and she  will figure out

Revision as of 19:05, 20 August 2017

Particle Physics

Wiki page for Bergen University Particle Physics Group. . (We also have our internal Wiki, at A0 , UiB Wiki here with information which is not public outside ATLAS-Bergen. ) Particle Physics is funded by the HEPP (High Energy Particle Physics) programme of the Research Council of Norway. The last funding application description (mostly funded) for the period 2016-2019 can be read here File:ProjectDescription2015.pdf. You can also read up on responsibilities of your local ATLAS group team leader as seen from CERN point of view here File:CERN Team Leader Responsibilities.pdf

To get write access to these pages below you must have a UiB account, then you have to login using the login in link in the upper right corner of the wiki page, once you've done this send an e-mail and Anna Lipniacka (temporary info) and she will figure out who can activate your account (probably Kjetil).

Meetings, Seminars & Tutorials

Theses, Notes, Publications, Public Software

ATLAS Tutorials

HEP Outreach

ATLAS newcomers

Local Conferences

  • [[ The Dark Side of the Universe, DSU2016 25-29 July 2016 agenda page ]]
  • [[Nordic b-annual particle physics meeting agenda page ]]
  • [[From Higgs to Dark Matter 2014, , indico page]]

Job openings in our group

we filled two postdoc positions in 2013, and PhD theory position in 2015, PhD in ATLAS in 2016. We will have more openings coming years. all our jobs are listed in []

  • [[ ]]

Misc and AoB

Last changes: [AL] 16:30, 24 september 2016 (CET)