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== Fagressurser for bruk i PHYS321 ==
== Fagressurser for bruk i PHYS321 ==
=== Fagbøker ===
* [ Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory, and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits]

=== Nettressurser ===
=== Nettressurser ===
[[ Tutorials for Programmable Logic and Military/Aerospace Systems]]
* [ Arithmetic Algorithms Simulators]
* [ Linear feedback shift register]
* [ How to add numbers (part 2)]
==== Cadence tutorials ====
* [ Inverter eksempel]
* [ Inverter eksempel 1 youtube]
* [ Inverter eksempel 2 youtube]
* [ Inverter eksempel 3 youtube]
==== Digilent Nexys 4 ====
* [ Install Vivado with free licence]
* [ Getting started]
* [ Vivado - Xilinx Programming Environment - Board files, reference projects, etc]
* [ Nexys 4 Resource center]
==== Using Vivado ====

=== Øvingsoppgaver ===
* [[Install Vivado 2015.4 with free license]]
* [[VGA controller VHDL code]]
* [[Nexys4_Master.xdc]]
* [[Using the VGA controller with block ram generator and clock wizard]]
=== Gamle øvingsoppgaver ===
[[Øvingsoppgaver PHYS321]]
[[Øvingsoppgaver PHYS321]]


Latest revision as of 08:56, 10 June 2024