Mini parallab workshop, March 19, 2009
From ift
The meeting will take place in Bjarnes office at IFT Marc 19, 2009 at 12:30, and also on EVO (see below)
- Intro to fimm - the parallab linux cluster
- What is there
- How to get an account
- The file system
- How to submit a simple job
- PBS scripts
- PBS commands
- What is in the ATLAS work directory
- Using dq2
- Using root in a job
- Using athena in a job
- Compiling an athena module in a job
Evo connection information
People at CERN can connect from the office in building 21, it should be empty now anyway. There is a duet mic/speaker device there already.
Title: Bergen parallab workshop I Description: Workshop for Bergen ATLAS people on how to use the parallab resources Community: ATLAS Password: ATLASFimm Time: 2009-03-18 12:00-15:00 (meeting starts 12:30) Meeting URL: Phone Bridge: ID: 863906 Password: 0686 Swiss: +41 22 76 71400