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Set-up of connection to mikroservers and cadence virtuoso

This set-up will allow you to connect to the mikroservers and/or start Cadence virtuoso with one command without typing any password or host-names.

NB: This setup is for TSMC, but the commands can be tweaked to be used with IHP or AMS too.

There are 4 mikroservers, mikroserver1-mikroserver4

SSH key

  • Generate an ssh-key
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id.rsa -t rsa -N  
  • Copy the key with your identity to your chosen mikroserver (mikroserver3 is chosen in this example). NB: Replace USERNAME with your user name
ssh-copy-id USERNAME@mikroserver3

Connection aliases

For ease of use set up aliases for the connections in your terminal. Open .bashrc in a text editor (vim / nano) and type in this

alias mikroserver1='ssh -X USERNAME@mikroserver1'
alias mikroserver2='ssh -X USERNAME@mikroserver2'
alias mikroserver3='ssh -X USERNAME@mikroserver3'

Also create another alias for your favourite mikroserver

echo "alias mikroserver='ssh -X USERNAME@mikroserver3'" >> ~/.bashrc

Automatic sourcing

Source scripts inside .bashrc. This will make sure the scripts are loaded every time you log in, so you don't have to do it manually

# TSMC setup
echo "source /eda/cadence/2018-19/scripts/analog.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source /eda/cadence/eda_general_init.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
# IHP setup
echo "source ~/ihp/cds/sh.cadence" >> ~/.bashrc

Commands to run virtuoso remotely

Then finally on the computers in the lab (NOT connected to the mikroservers)

echo "alias virtuoso_tsmc="ssh -X USERNAME@mikroserver3 'cd tsmc;virtuoso &'"" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias virtuoso_ihp="ssh -X USERNAME@mikroserver3 'cd ihp/cds;virtuoso &'"" >> ~/.bashrc

The next time you open your terminal on your computer you can type


to start Cadence Virtuoso, or


to connect to mikroserver3 without any hassle!

Add mikroserver as a folder on your pc

Open up your home folder in linux and in the bottom left corner click "Connect to Server" as shown in this picture:

as server address type:


to add your homefolder on mikroserver as a folder on your local PC for easy access to your files (for example the Transistor_operating_point_printer) To store this connection, right click the "mikroserver3"-folder and click "Add Bookmark". The next time you just click the bookmark to open it.

Alternative way using scp/secure copy

If for some reason the above doesn’t work you can try this:

  • connect to your mikroserver (ssh mikroserver3)
  • locate the file you want to copy. i.e /home/USERNAME/picture.jpg
  • type this command
scp picture.jpg USERNAME@login.uib.no:path/to/folder/to/copy/to
  • this will copy the file to your home folder on any UiB machine
  • To copy a folder
scp -r NameOfFolder USERNAME@login.uib.no:path/to/folder/to/copy/to


  • Make sure you copy your ID (ssh-copy-id) to the correct mikroserver
  • Make sure you have restarted your terminal (or source ~/.bashrc) if the commands doesn't work
  • You have to be either connected to the UiB VPN or run the commands via the computers in the lab to be able to connect to microserver
  • If you are using another shell like zsh or csh the aliases has to be in ~/.zshrc or ~/.cshrc instead of ~/.bashrc
  • Make sure you have replaced all the instances of USERNAME with your usename, i.e "abc0123"