Seminar and meeting information
Our group meetings (some) are at 10:15, on vidyo, look for specified category. Category "BERGEN SUSY and DM" will be used as this meetings are already booked, but the subjects discussed will depend on the meeting and are pertinent to all HEPP project (High Energy Particle Physics)
Twiki for common ATLAS-SUSY Oslo-Bergen meetings can be found here:
Particle Physics Group Meetings/Seminars/Tutorials
Click the dates for seminar details (slides, etc)
Look into for BERGEN or ATLAS Norway
Group presentation for Geir Anton visit at CERN, Feb 2012
- Wolfgang Liebig, Atlas Analysis and Computing File:ATLAScomp+anal.pdf
- Heidi Sandaker, Damara progress report File:Damara.pdf
- Anna Lipniacka ATLAS@UiB File:Atlasuib2012.pdf
Talks from Bergen in CERN indico (some of them visible only for ATLAS or ALICE members)
- Talks and events from UiB at CERN [1]
Special pensum course: Introduction to ATLAS
November 2011
Wolfgang Liebig (Wolfgang.Liebig at
- ATLAS detector File:ATLASdetector.pdf
- ATLAS physics File:ATLASphyics.pdf
- ATLAS reconstruction and performance File:ATLASperformance.pdf
- ATLAS tools and practicalities File:ATLAStools.pdf
- December 9 2009 seminar - Top quark charge
- December 2 2009 seminar - Theory
- November 25 2009 seminar - Bs to mu,mu and Blackholes
- November 4 2009 seminar - 3D detectors and the lab
- October 14 2009 seminar - taus
- October 9 2009 review - poster session
- Shifts/OTP/fimm group meeting May 5, 2009
- SUSY/Tau analysis meeting March 12, 2009
- Mini parallab workshop, March 19, 2009