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it is possible to use procedures with parameters.
it is possible to use procedures with parameters.

Revision as of 13:30, 29 September 2010

Modeling concept

there are 3 domains of modeling:

  • function
  • structure
  • geometry

each provides a basic modeling concept.

a module e.g. a register is an entity, it's inputs ans outputs are called ports. an architecture is the internal implementation of an entity. it describes the behavior of an entity. architectures includes only processes, collection of actions which are executed in sequences.

types of action that can be performed:

  • evaluating expressions
  • assigning variables and values
  • conditional and repeated execution
  • subprogram calls

behavioral architecture: function of an entity is described in an abstract way. e.g.

entity srlatch is
port ( s,r : in  std_logic;
      q,qb : out std_logic);
end srlatch;

architecture behave of calc is
 foo: process
    Q <= S nand QB;
    QB <= R nand Q;  
 end process  foo;
end architecture behave;

structural architecture: only interconnecting subsystems

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;

entity nand2 is
  a,b : in  std_logic;   
  q   : out std_logic);
end nand2;

architecture basic of nand2 is
q <= a nand b after 2 ns;
end basic;
entity srlatch is
port( s,r: in  std logic; 
     q,qb: out std_logic);
end srlatch;

architecture struct of srlatch is
 sq: entity work.nand2(basic)
 port map (
   a => s,
   b => qb,
   q => q

 rq: entity work.nand2(basic)
 port map (
   a => r,
   b => q,
   q => qb

end architecture struct;


subprograms are procedures, a collection of statements executed for their effect, and functions, a collection of statements to compute a result.


procedure proc_name is
 variable total : real :=0.0;
  for index in samples loop
   total = total +sample(index);
  end loop;
end procedure proc_name;

procedures without parameters is called by it's name from any place in architecture. other procedures can also call procedures in their body.


it is possible to use procedures with parameters.


generalization of expressions, combined values with operators and produce new values. the type of result is specified.

function limit (val, min, max: integer) return integer is
 if val > max then
  return max;
 elseif val < min then
  return min;
  return val;
 end if;
end function;

a function is called in the architecture like this:

newval := limit(current_val, 10, 100);
newval2 := 2 + limit(current_val, 10, 100);


grouping a collection of related declarations to serve common purpose. seperat design units that can be worked on independently, reused in different parts of design. the can be written along with entities and architecture and are analyzed separately. it is also possible to place a package in an other library, in that case the lib "work" has to be replaced by the lib including the package.

the external view is specified in the package declaration, the implementation is defind in the package body.

the package declaration hosts type, constand, subprogram, signal ... declarations which are shared within the model. in the model then you just need to refer to the package:

package yourpackagename is --declaration
 constant foo: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"01";
 type  foobar is array (foobar2) of somethingelse;
end package yourpackagename;
use yourpackagename.all;

entity yourentityname is
 port (
  fooport    : in work.yourpackagename.foo;
  foobarport : in work.yourpackagename.foobar;
end entity yourentityname;