Strålevern: Difference between revisions

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(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 132: Line 132:
| 5
| 5
| Storage 4 #5
| <sup>226</sup>Ra
| 2.7
| 100
| ~1970
| 1 600 y
| 186 keV gamma
Line 587: Line 587:
| Alpha + 60 keV gamma
| Alpha + 60 keV gamma
| ORTEC AM-1U, S/N M-1343, act. 0.088
| ORTEC AM-1U, S/N M-1343, act. 0.088
| 13
| Storage 3 #12
| <sup>90</sup>Sr
| 2 000
| 74 000
| 2022
| 29 y
| e<sup>-</sup>
| VZ-3721-001 Capsule, Nominal, Φ 8mm x 5mm

===Storage 2===
===Storage 2===
Line 1,141: Line 1,149:
| Eluting solution for Tilf #13 Isotope generator
| Eluting solution for Tilf #13 Isotope generator
| 20
| Storage 4 #5
| <sup>226</sup>Ra
| 2.7
| 100
| ~1970
| 1 600 y
| 186 keV gamma
| Previously stored in Lab 420

Latest revision as of 14:04, 15 December 2023

Førstegangsbrukere / First-time users


Førstegangsbrukere skal:

  1. Ta kontakt med strålevernkoordinator (STK)
  2. Få de nødvendige instruksene fra STK om interne regler for bruk av strålekilder
  3. Bli registrert for å få personlig dosimeter
  4. Vente på dosimeteret (tar ca. 1-2 uker)
  5. Begynne å bruke kilder etter de har fått sitt personlige dosimeter
  6. Returnere dosimeteret sitt hvis det ikke trengs lenger (gravide brukere skal ikke jobbe med strålingskilder i løpet av svangerskapet)


First-time users shall:

  1. Contact the Radiation protection responsible (RPR)
  2. Receive the required instructions from the RPR on internal regulations for use of radioactive sources
  3. Be registered for obtaining a personal dosimeter
  4. Wait for the dosimeter (takes 1-2 weeks)
  5. Begin working with sources after having received her/his personal dosimeter
  6. Return her/his personal dosimeter if it is no longer needed (pregnant women shall not work with ionizing radiation during the pregnancy)

Regler for bruk av strålekilder på IFT / Regulations for use of radioactive sources at the IFT


Hierarke / Hierarchy
Fig. 1 Hierarke / Hierarchy
Logbokformat / Logbook format
Fig. 2 Logbokformat / Logbook format
Fig. 3 Skilt som brukes til svake kilder / Sign used for designating an area where weak sources are used
Fig. 4 Skilt som brukes til sterke kilder og kontaminerte områder hvor begrenset opphold er bare tillatt / Sign used for designating an area where strong sources are used, or for contaminated areas, where only a limited time presence is allowed
  1. Strålevernkoordinatoren (STK) har oversikt over alle kildenes status.
  2. Ansvarshierarkiet er som vist i Fig. 1.
  3. Hver lab bør ha lab kildeansvarlig. I tilfelle det ikke er lab-kildeansvarlig deles kildene ut av STK.
  4. Lab-kildeansvarlig velges av lab-brukerne, STK eller instituttleder.
  5. Hver lab skal ha loggbok hvor bevegelsene til hver kilde som hører til denne laben skal registreres. Loggboken skal ha formatet som vist i Fig. 2:
  6. Den første siden i loggboken skal ha navn og kontaktinfo til lab kildeansvarlig og navn og kontakt info til STK.
  7. Loggboken skal være på labben til enhver tid, bundet med snor til kildeskapet.
  8. Det er lab kildeansvarlig sitt ansvar å føre boken riktig.
  9. STK skal kontrollere jobben til lab-kildeansvarlig ofte og uten varsel.
  10. Det er 1 nøkkel til tilsvarende kildeskap hos lab-kildeansvarlig og 1 nøkkel hos STK. Leder for teknisk Avdeling (TA) og 1 ingeniør fra TA skal kunne få tilgang til STK sine nøkler i tilfelle STK ikke er tilstede.
  11. Alle personer som har tilgang til nøkler til kildeskap får opplæring i dette regelverket og generell strålevern fra STK.
  12. Ingen av ovennevnte får lov til å låne sin nøkkel til noen. STK kan delegere ansvaret for nøklene sine, men overføringen skal skje med overtagelsesprotokoll som er en del av loggboken. Lab-kildeansvarlig kan IKKE delegere sitt ansvar for nøkkelen.
  13. En kildebruker skal først ta kontakt med sin lab-kildeansvarlig. Hvis han/hun ikke er tilstede kontaktes STK. Hvis han/hun ikke er til stedet kontaktes leder TA. Hvis han/hun ikke er til stedet kontaktes ingeniøren som er ansvarlig. Det er IKKE lov å hoppe over noen.
  14. Hvis lab kildeansvarlig sier opp blir det varetelling med STK og instituttleder og signering av overtagelsesprotokoll.
  15. Hvis STK sier opp blir det varetelling med UiB STK, instituttleder og den nye STK. Overtagelsesprotokoll signeres.
  16. Arbeidsplass med åpen strålekilde skal merkeres med skilt (Fig. 3 eller Fig. 4) og eksponeringsvurdering skal utføres om nødvendig.
  17. Det er ikke ønskelig å la kilder stå uovervåket. Hvis dette er nødvendig skal arbeidstedet markeres.
  18. Det er ikke lov å jobbe med strålekilder uten dosimeter. STK og HMS-ansvarlig skal kontrollere labbene og brukerne uten varsel.
  19. Hver bruker skal ha innføring i strålevern fra STK før de begynner å jobbe med kilder. Studenter som har bestått PHYS231 Strålingsfysikk får fritak.
  20. Gravide brukere skal returnere sine dosimetere til HMS-ansvarlige i det øyeblikket de finner ut at de er gravide (se punkt 18). Dosimeteret blir returnert etter fødsel om det fremdeles er ønskelig.
  21. Brukere som ikke har bruk for dosimeter lenger skal returnere dem til HMS ansvarlig.
  22. Dosimetrene skal oppbevares på samme sted når de ikke er i bruk. Det stede skal bestemmes mellom bruker, STK og personen som er ansvarlig for den periodiske skift av TLD.
  23. De personlige dosimetrene skal brukes bare på IFT og skal ikke taes fra huset. Dette inkluderer ansatte som jobber på eksterne fasiliteter som f.eks. CERN. Sånne ansatte får dosimetrer fra fasilitetene de besøker.


  1. The Radiation protection responsible (RPR) has all the information on the status of the radioactive sources at the IFT.
  2. The hierarchy and the responsibilities are defined in Fig. 1.
  3. Every lab should have a responsible for the radioactive sources. During the absence of the lab responsible it is the RPR who gives out sources.
  4. The lab responsible is elected by the users in that lab, RPR or the Head of the department.
  5. Every lab will have a logbook where the movement of all the sources belonging to this lab will be registered. The format of the logbook will be as shown in Fig. 2.
  6. The first page in the logbook will contain the name and the contact info of the lab responsible and the name and the contact info of the RPR.
  7. The logbook will be in the lab at all times, bound to the safe with the sources with the help of a thread.
  8. It is the responsibility of the lab responsible to keep the book correctly.
  9. RPR shall inspect the work of the lab responsible often and without warning.
  10. There is one key per safe in the possession of the lab responsible and one key with the RPR. Head of Technical department and one engineer shall be able to access to the keys belonging to the RPR in case the RPR is absent.
  11. All persons who have access to keys for the safes with radioactive sources shall be briefed on this framework of rules and on general radiation protection by the RPR.
  12. Nobody from the aforementioned personnel is allowed to lend their keys to anyone. RPR can delegate the responsibility for a certain safe, but this will happen with a protocol. The protocol is a part of the logbook. The lab responsible is not allowed to delegate her/his responsibilities.
  13. The users will first contact their lab responsible. If she/he are not present, the RPR is to be contacted. If she/he is not present the Head of the Technical department is to be contacted. If she/he is not present the authorized engineer is to be contacted.
  14. When the lab responsible quits there will be an inspection of the inventory with the RPR and the Head of the Department, followed by signing a transfer protocol.
  15. When the RPR quits there will be an inventory inspection together with the UiB RPR, the Head of the Department and the new RPR. This will result in signing a transfer protocol.
  16. Workplace with an open radioactive source will be marked with a shield (Fig. 3 or Fig. 4) and there shall be a dose estimate if needed.
  17. It is undesirable to leave sources unattended. If this is necessary, the work place shall be marked accordingly.
  18. It is forbidden to work with radioactive sources without a dosimeter. The RPR and HSE responsible will the labs and the users without warning.
  19. Every new user shall receive an introduction in radiation protection by the RPR before beginning to work with radioactive sources. Students who have successfully passed PHYS231 Strålingsfysikk or equivalent are exempt.
  20. Pregnant users shall return their dosimeters to the HSE responsible in the moment they discover they are pregnant (see item 18). The dosimeters shall be returned after birth if they are still needed.
  21. Users who no longer need their dosimeters shall return them to the HSE responsible.
  22. The dosimeters shall be stored in the same place whenever they are no in use. That place is agreed upon between the user, the RPR and the person responsible for the periodic change of the TLD.
  23. The personal dosimeter shall be used only when working at the IFT and shall be located at the IFT building at all times. This includes students and employees who work at external organizations like CERN. Such employees and students receive dosimeters at the institutions they visit.

List of sealed sources at the IFT

Storage 4

Item Source ID Isotope Activity, µCi Aktivity, kBq Year Half-life Radiation type Note
1 Storage 4 #1 241Am 27 1 000 2006 458 y 60 keV gamma OI428/Code: AMRB 13788
2 Storage 4 #2 57Co 100 3 700 2006 272 d 122 keV gamma Code: CTR 8252
3 Storage 4 #3 133Ba 100 3 700 2006 10.5 y 80, 276, 303, 356, 384 keV gamma Code: BDR 8252
4 Storage 4 #4 155Eu 100 3 700 1993 4.8 y 105 keV gamma
6 Storage 4 #6 137Cs 60 2 200 1986 30 y 662 keV gamma
7 Storage 4 #7 241Am 3 000 100 000 1977 458 y 60 keV gamma UB/FIB 539
8 Storage 4 #8 241Am 10 000 370 000 1987 458 y Variable X-ray source
9 Storage 4 #9 55Fe 20 000 740 000 N/A 2.7 y X-rays Decayed
10 Storage 4 #10 109Cd 1 37 2011 427 d 88 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
11 Storage 4 #11 57Co 1 37 2011 272 d 122 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
12 Storage 4 #12 133Ba 1 37 2011 10.5 y 80, 276, 303, 356, 384 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
13 Storage 4 #13 60Co 1 37 2011 5.3 y 1 173, 1 333 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
14 Storage 4 #14 137Cs 1 37 2011 30 y 662 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
15 Storage 4 #15 22Na 1 37 2011 2.6 y 511, 1 275 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
16 Storage 4 #16 137Cs65Zn 1 37 2011 30 y + 244 d 662 + 1 116 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
17 Storage 4 #17 54Mn 1 37 2011 312 d 835 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
18 Storage 4 #18 137Cs 10 370 2011 30 y 662 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
19 Storage 4 #19 22Na 10 370 2011 2.6 y 511, 1 275 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
20 Storage 4 #20 54Mn 10 370 2011 312 d 835 keV gamma Calibr. Set Spectrum Techniques
21 Storage 4 #21 133Ba 10 370 2012 10.5 y 80, 276, 303, 356, 384 keV gamma Calibr. source Eckert & Ziegler
22 Storage 4 #22 241Am 1 37 1990 458 y 60 keV gamma Laborel box (ruined and sagregated for disposal)
23 Storage 4 #23 109Cd 1 37 1990 427 d 88 keV gamma Laborel box
24 Storage 4 #24 139Ce 1 37 1990 138 d 166 keV gamma Laborel box
25 Storage 4 #25 57Co 1 37 1990 272 d 122 keV gamma Laborel box
26 Storage 4 #26 137Cs 1 37 1990 30 y 662 keV gamma Laborel box
27 Storage 4 #27 51Cr 1 37 1990 27 d 320 keV gamma Laborel box
28 Storage 4 #28 54Mn 1 37 1990 312 d 835 keV gamma Laborel box
29 Storage 4 #29 113Sn 1 37 1990 115 d 255 keV gamma Laborel box
30 Storage 4 #30 85Sr 1 37 1990 65 d 355 keV gamma Laborel box
31 Storage 4 #31 65Zn 1 37 1990 244 d 1 116 keV gamma Laborel box
32 Storage 4 #32 133Ba 4 000 148 000 2014 10.5 y 80, 276, 303, 356, 384 keV gamma Eckert & Ziegler, Brass holder
33 Storage 4 #33 90Sr 54 2 010 1993 29 y e- DESY
34 Storage 4 #34 55Fe 1 000 37 000 2014 2.7 y X-rays UiB# 0218698
35 Storage 4 #35a 14C 10 370 2018 5730 y e- Thin plate; Spec. Tech. Mod# C14LMW10
36 Storage 4 #35b 14C 10 370 2018 5730 y e- Thin plate; Spec. Tech. Mod# C14LMW10

Storage 3

Item Source ID Isotope Activity, µCi Aktivity, kBq Year Half-life Radiation type Note
1 Storage 3 #1 60Co 5 185 1972 5.3 y 1 173, 1 333 keV gamma
2 Storage 3 #2 133Ba 1 37 2013 10.5 y 80, 276, 303, 356, 384 keV gamma
3 Storage 3 #3 22Na 1 37 2013 2.6 y 511, 1 275 keV gamma
4 Storage 3 #4 57Co 1 37 2013 272 d 122 keV gamma
5 Storage 3 #5a 60Co 1 37 2005 5.3 y 1 173, 1 333 keV gamma
6 Storage 3 #5b 60Co 1 37 2005 5.3 y 1 173, 1 333 keV gamma
7 Storage 3 #6 137Cs 5 185 1999 30 y 662 keV gamma
8 Storage 3 #7 241Am 1 37 1976 458 y Alpha + 60 keV gamma Glass tube set
9 Storage 3 #8 90Sr 1 37 1976 29 y e- Glass tube set
10 Storage 3 #9 55Fe 10 370 1976 30 y 662 keV gamma Glass tube set
11 Storage 3 #10 106Ru 2.7 100 2000 374 d e-
12 Storage 3 #11 241Am 10 370 1975 458 y Alpha + 60 keV gamma ORTEC AM-1U, S/N M-1343, act. 0.088
13 Storage 3 #12 90Sr 2 000 74 000 2022 29 y e- VZ-3721-001 Capsule, Nominal, Φ 8mm x 5mm

Storage 2

Item Source ID Isotope Activity, µCi Aktivity, kBq Year Half-life Radiation type Note
1 Storage 2 #1a 137Cs 5 185 2003 30 y 662 keV gamma
2 Storage 2 #1b 137Cs 5 185 2003 30 y 662 keV gamma
3 Storage 2 #1c 137Cs 5 185 2003 30 y 662 keV gamma
4 Storage 2 #1d 137Cs 5 185 2003 30 y 662 keV gamma
5 Storage 2 #1e 137Cs 5 185 2003 30 y 662 keV gamma
6 Storage 2 #1f 137Cs 5 185 2003 30 y 662 keV gamma
7 Storage 2 #2 137Cs 5 185 1999 30 y 662 keV gamma
8 Storage 2 #3a 90Sr 0.1 3.7 2005 29 y e-
9 Storage 2 #3b 90Sr 0.1 3.7 2005 29 y e-
10 Storage 2 #4a 210Po 0.1 3.7 2005 138 d 803 keV gamma
11 Storage 2 #4b 210Po 0.1 3.7 2005 138 d 803 keV gamma
12 Storage 2 #5a 137Cs 5 185 1972 30 y 662 keV gamma
13 Storage 2 #5b 137Cs 5 185 1972 30 y 662 keV gamma
14 Storage 2 #6 60Co 5 185 1972 5.3 y 1 173, 1 333 keV gamma
15 Storage 2 #7 152Eu 0.04 1.5 2006 13.5 y Many gamma lines Sealed Liquid
16 Storage 2 #8a 22Na 1 37 2005 2.6 y 511, 1 275 keV gamma
17 Storage 2 #8b 22Na 1 37 2005 2.6 y 511, 1 275 keV gamma
18 Storage 2 #8c 22Na 1 37 2005 2.6 y 511, 1 275 keV gamma
19 Storage 2 #9a 137Cs 0.5 18.5 2005 30 y 662 keV gamma
20 Storage 2 #9b 137Cs 0.5 18.5 2005 30 y 662 keV gamma
21 Storage 2 #9c 137Cs 0.5 18.5 2005 30 y 662 keV gamma
22 Storage 2 #9d 137Cs 0.5 18.5 2005 30 y 662 keV gamma
23 Storage 2 #10 152Eu 1 37 2005 13.5 y Many gamma lines
24 Storage 2 #11a 204Tl 10 370 1993 3.78 y 511 keV gamma Al housing
25 Storage 2 #11b 204Tl 10 370 1993 3.78 y 511 keV gamma Al housing
26 Storage 2 #11c 204Tl 10 370 1993 3.78 y 511 keV gamma Al housing
27 Storage 2 #11d 204Tl 10 370 1993 3.78 y 511 keV gamma Al housing
28 Storage 2 #12a 226Ra 0.09 3.3 2005 1 600 y 186 keV gamma Glass jar
29 Storage 2 #12b 226Ra 0.09 3.3 2005 1 600 y 186 keV gamma Glass jar
30 Storage 2 #12c 226Ra 0.09 3.3 2005 1 600 y 186 keV gamma Glass jar
31 Storage 2 #13 241Am 0.24 9 N/A 458 y 60 keV gamma GDM 625
32 Storage 2 #14 137Cs 1.22 45 N/A 30 y 662 keV gamma GDM 134
33 Storage 2 #15 UO2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Nuclear fuel pellet (black cylinder in epoxy cube)

Storage 1


Item Source ID Isotope Activity, µCi Aktivity, kBq Year Half-life Radiation type Note
1 Storage 1W #1 241Am 10 000 370 000 458 y X-rays Variable X-ray source
2 Storage 1W #2 241Am 10 370 1993 458 y 60 keV gamma DA289 written on the source
3 Storage 1W #3 60Co 10 370 1970 10.5 y 1 173, 1 333 keV gamma A943F
4 Storage 1W #4 147Pm 10 000 370 000 1974 2.6 y 76, 198 keV gamma A1124/N11958
5 Storage 1W #5 137Cs 10 370 30 y 662 keV gamma S/N 15319; A919F
6 Storage 1W #6 60Co 1 37 10.5 y 1 173, 1 333 keV gamma S/N 811-L-1
7 Storage 1W #7 241Am 0.1 3.7 1966 458 y 60 keV gamma A922F; S/N M954 Ortec
8 Storage 1W #8 241Am 10 000 370 000 2010 458 y 60 keV gamma
9 Storage 1W #9 137Cs 100 3 700 1984 30 y 662 keV gamma
10 Storage 1W #10 241Am 14 000 518 000 1984 458 y 60 keV gamma M55005
11 Storage 1W #11 241Am 10 000 370 000 2010 458 y 60 keV gamma
12 Storage 1W #12 226Ra 5-10 185-370 1970 1 600 y 186 keV gamma A859F; Leybold in a jar
13 Storage 1W #13 137Cs <10 <370 2005 30 y 662 keV gamma Isotope generator
14 Storage 1W #14a 238U 1 37 2006 4.5e9 y 50, 114 keV gamma + alpha Liquid in plastic bottles (B. Stugu’s)
15 Storage 1W #14b 238U 1 37 2006 4.5e9 y 50, 114 keV gamma + alpha Liquid in plastic bottles (B. Stugu’s)
16 Storage 1W #14c 238U 1 37 2006 4.5e9 y 50, 114 keV gamma + alpha Liquid in plastic bottles (B. Stugu’s)
17 Storage 1W #15 90Sr 2 000 74 000 1987 29 y e- Amersham (in a blue cylindrical collimator)
18 Storage 1W #16 1945 Hiroshima dust
19 0 0 2005 Eluting solution for Tilf #13 Isotope generator
20 Storage 4 #5 226Ra 2.7 100 ~1970 1 600 y 186 keV gamma Previously stored in Lab 420


Item Source ID Activity, counts/s* Note
1 Storage 1B #1 ~20 Storage 1B R. 1
2 Storage 1B #2 ~120 Storage 1B G. 1
3 Storage 1B #3 ~60 Storage 1B G. 2
4 Storage 1B #4 ~100 Storage 1B G. 3
5 Storage 1B #5 ~10 Storage 1B G. 4
6 Storage 1B #6 ~10 Storage 1B G. 5
7 Storage 1B #7 ~0 Storage 1B G. 6
8 Storage 1B #8 ~220 Storage 1B G. 7
9 Storage 1B #9 ~150 Storage 1B G. 8
10 Storage 1B #10 ~10 Storage 1B G. 9
11 Storage 1B #11 ~350 Storage 1B G. 10
12 Storage 1B #12 ~500 Storage 1B G. 11
13 Storage 1B #13 ~1 000 Storage 1B G. 12

*Activity measured with an 1" NaI(Tl) crystal